Ladies Golfer of the Year
Congratulations to our incoming Vice Captain Phil Emmett who with a 9 point lead is 2016 Golfer of the Year. Attracta O’Connor rounds off a great year’s golf winning both The Silver Spoon and The Bronze Medal while Mary O’Rourke crowns her year with the Silver Medal. Pictured above is Noeleen Moffatt, Lady Captain Carrick Golf Club presenting Phil Emmett with the 2016 Golfer of the Year Award.
Hamper Week 1: November 5 – 10 2016
Week One of the hampers saw some very high scoring with Alan Ffrench recording a personal best of 48 points (1 under gross) alas in his excitement he forgot to sign his card & was disqualified. Joey Casey who had 45 points took top spot & Leo Mulvey with 43 B9 was second. For the Hamper “Series” the winner each week will be cut two shots & runner-up one shot.
Lynch Cup
Congratulations to Leo Mulvey on winning the Lynch Cup, he beat James Connors in the final last Sunday 12 Nov 3/2, pity such a prestigious competition has to culminate so late in the year, final should have taken place no later than end of September, maybe if the qualifying is reduced to 32 players that would solve it, that said take nothing away from Leo’s win in a year where he also won Golfer of the Year in the Seniors. Well done Leo.
Carrick Golf Club AGM 2016
Parent Club AGM takes place on Sun next 20th Nov 2016 in the Clubhouse at 5pm. The Committee are hoping for a large turnout of Members as some important discussions on the Clubs future will be aired.
Each week up to Thursday 22 Dec we will have Hampers. Week 2 Hamper will start on Sat 12 Nov to Thursday 17th Nov and so on until week 7 which will run from Sat 17th Dec to Thurs 22 Dec.
Winter Alliance
Alliance Captains Attracta O’Connor and Marie Leydon will have a very warm welcome for you this Saturday
19th November. Teetimes from 11-12, get here a little earlier and you can enjoy a relaxing cuppa. If weather looks unsettled and you are travelling to us please ring 071 966 7015 before you leave home.
Nine and Dine on December 3rd:
Lady Captain Noeleen Moffatt is looking forward to great turnout on Saturday 3rd December, for 3 Person Scramble. Shot gun start at 1pm, book online now.