Michael Fitzmaurice TD says that the Irish Government should not interfere in the forthcoming EU “Brexit” referendum and allow the British people to make up their own minds.
“The British people should be given time and space to make up their minds on what they should do about EU membership. My own view is that the way that the EU has bullied every single member state over the years with excessive rules and regulations and red tape, the EU need to have a long hard look at the way their run their affairs. I will not be surprised if the British people decide to leave the EU as they are probably fed up with the rigmarole that has gone on in Europe for many years. People must remember that Britain are a net contributor to the EU and they pay out large sums for their EU membership on an annual basis. There is a huge amount of scaremongering going on as to how this will affect British industry and farming but they will have their contribution money to invest in their economy if they leave”
Deputy Fitzmaurice went on to say that “Our Taoiseach Enda Kenny has been asking his Ministers to contact British people living in Ireland and Irish people living in Britain to vote not to leave the EU. It is my view that this is interference with the democratic process in another country. The scaremongering about the re-introduction of borders is also a red herring. If Britain pull out of the EU it will be done on a phased basis over two years and there are always the possibility of bi-lateral agreements being signed between the two countries. There were bi-lateral agreements in place between the two countries long before there was any EU.”
“Honesty needs to be introduced into this whole debate. If the Irish Government and indeed other Governments want to have their say then they should point out the many problems that there have been associated with EU membership to the British people. But I would rather if the Taoiseach, our Ministers and others pulled back and allow the British people to make up their on minds on this issue” he concluded.