Figures released by the UK Department of Health yesterday showed that 25 women gave Roscommon addresses at UK abortion clinics in 2015.
According to the UK Department of Health figures, the number of women giving Irish addresses at abortion clinics has decreased from 6,673 in 2001 to 3,451 in 2015, a decline of 48%. This equates to a decrease in the abortion rate from 7.5 per 1000 women in 2001 to 3.6 per thousand women in 2015. In 2014 and 2013 27 women gave Roscommon addresses, while in 2012 28 women gave Roscommon addresses.
Commenting on the 2015 figures, Head of the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme, Helen Deely said “This decline is welcome. It appears that the abortion rate is stabilising. She went on to say that “If a woman makes the decision to have an abortion, it is safer for her to attend an abortion clinic in the UK or other country where abortion is legally available, than ordering the abortion pill online or from other sources and taking it at home alone.”
“While knowledge of the risks of unprotected sex have improved and the abortion rate has almost halved, the fact remains that unplanned pregnancy and abortion is still a reality for women in Ireland. We need to continue to ensure that women experiencing crisis pregnancy are aware of the free crisis pregnancy counselling services that are available in over 50 locations nationwide. We also need to ensure that women who decide to have an abortion are aware that free post-abortion medical check-ups and post-abortion counselling is available to them in Ireland” she concluded.
Crisis pregnancy counsellors provide free, ongoing support and information to women, their partners or family members. A list of crisis pregnancy services is available on www.positiveoptions.ie. A list of post-abortion services is available on www.abortionaftercare.ie