Teams round-up
It has been a quiet week on the playing fields.
Elphin-Ballinameen U-16 Training continues on Fridays, all players are asked to be on the field for 7pm.
The Elphin-Ballinameen U-14s travelled to the Connacht GAA Centre, Bekan on Saturday morning where they took part in a training session with Ballyhaunis U-14s. This was followed by a tour of the Gym and a talk from two-time All-Ireland winner Ja Fallon, who spoke about Football in general and his own experiences. It was a brilliant day out, enjoyed by the players and coaches alike. They wish to thank the staff of the Connacht GAA Centre for such a warm welcome. The team is back in action on Thursday; away to St Dominics at 7:30pm.
U-10 Coaching continues on Saturday at 10am. Sunday’s Go Games Blitz has been postponed as a number of the other teams are unavailable due to First Communion.
Best wishes to all our players making their first Communion on Saturday.
Membership overdue
Parents are reminded that players who have not renewed their Membership for 2016 are not covered by the Player Injury Scheme and are not eligible to play games for Club Teams. For further information contact Geraldine on 086 3258222 as soon as possible.
Best of luck
Best wishes to the Roscommon Seniors against Leitrim in the Connacht Quarter-Final at 3:30pm on Sunday in Carrick.
Elphin GAA Lotto
There was no winner of Saturday’s Club Lotto Draw, the numbers drawn were 18, 22, 27 and 30. The Lucky Dip winners of €25 were Conor Moran, Mary McKeon, Patsy Farrell and Mary Staunton. This Saturday’s Draw takes place in The Central and the Jackpot stands at €7,100 and you can play on-line at locallotto.ie .
Club Rossie
Thank you to everyone who supported Club Rossie Members Draw, unfortunately there were no local winners this year.
Day Trip
Roscommon GAA Social initiative are organising a trip to Collins Barracks and Glasnevin Cemetery on Saturday June 11th next. The cost, including lunch, is €40 and for more details contact Sean Mannion on 086-8388756