GMIT is pleased to offer a new Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Sport and Exercise Science, the first course of its kind in the west of Ireland.
Picture credit: Aengus McMahon
The four year, full-time, Level 8 course prepares graduates to work in the growing areas of sport performance and health-related exercise science.
The course, which can now be applied for through the Central Applications Office (CAO) – course code GA790, commences in the Galway campus School of Science and Computing in September (2016). Students will learn how to apply scientific principles in order to understand and enhance sport and exercise performance, health and well-being. The course will prepare them to work in the world of sport, helping athletes and teams achieve optimum performance. It will also prepare graduates for work in the health sector, helping individuals to manage or prevent lifestyle-related chronic diseases through training and physical activity.
The new course has been designed by Dr Lisa Ryan, Head of the new GMIT Dept of Natural Sciences, who will lecture on the programme. Dr Ryan holds a first class honours degree in Nutritional Science and a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry and is widely published in this area. Dr Ryan also has a very keen interest in Sport and Exercise Nutrition and outside of her formal academic role has worked as a sports nutritionist for a number of rugby, hockey and AFL teams. While in the UK, she worked with some of the triathletes and cyclists for the 2012 Olympics.
Dr Ryan says: “The demand for sport scientists is growing in line with the ever-increasing focus within the sporting world on achieving the best results possible.”
“Students on this course can expect a strong focus on practical learning, work placement and projects, with much of the learning taking place in specialised classrooms and our dedicated performance analysis laboratory.”
“Students will develop a thorough understanding of the three main disciplines of sport and exercise science: physiology, psychology and biomechanics, and will also develop expertise in strength and conditioning, motor control, nutrition and performance analysis”.
Subjects include:
· Sport and Exercise Physiology
· Human Nutrition and Metabolism
· The Biomechanics of Human Movement
· Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health
· Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
· Research Methods for Sport and Exercise Science
· Exercise Instruction
· Sport and Exercise Pedagogies
· Sport and Exercise Biomechanics
· Advanced Laboratory Techniques for Sport and Exercise Science
· Sport and Exercise Prescription and Training
· Sports Management
Students will also develop sport and exercise assessment skills, an awareness and understanding pf professional standards, and effective communication and professional judgement skills.
Graduates will be able to work in areas such as professional sports clubs and organisations; national sporting associations; governing bodies and other related sporting agencies; private health and fitness clubs and spas; public sports and recreation facilities; local authorities; schools, further education and higher education institutions; exercise referrals and the health sector
There are also postgraduate opportunities for graduates who will be eligible to pursue research MSc/PhD programmes in Sport and Exercise Science and related areas as well as taught master’s programmes in cognate areas. GMIT intends to develop in-house taught master’s programmes for Sport and Exercise Science graduates.
An Open Day will be held on the Galway campus on Saturday, 23 April, where Dr Lisa Ryan will be holding an information session on this new, exciting course.
For further information on this new Level 8 Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science
click here or contact Dr Lisa Ryan, tel. 091 742556 or email [email protected]