The Annual General Meeting of the Ballyleague Village Renewal and Tidy Towns committee took place in St Faithleachs GAA clubhouse recently.
The meeting was well attended and the special guest speaker was Eugene Murphy TD who gave a very interesting talk. Chairman James Hudson gave the meeting a comprehensive outline of the events of the last 3 years and spoke of the highlight – the official opening of the new Ballyleague Riverside park, Promenade and Quayside Wall. The meeting was given an update on several ongoing projects with a few special progress reports and a healthy financial statement from treasurer JP Kilcline. Gerry Trimble reported that the Roscommon approach road project was at an advanced planning stage. Work on safety issues had already started with the removal of a large road sign that was causing difficulties for motorists emerging from the Line road onto the main road. A petition of local residents highlighting concerns over speeding on the road has been handed into the county council and Councillor Orla Leyden and Councillor Kathleen Shanagher were working with the local engineer John Mochler to try and proceed with a pedestrian trail into the village. While we would have to wait for clearance from the TTI (formerly the National Roads Authority) Gerry said work would start on other green areas near Clonadra hill very shortly and he will give regular updates in a newsletter to residents in the Clonadra area soon. Ciaran Mullooly gave an update on the committee’s plans to resurface a wall with stone and plaster adjacent to the derelict filling station. This project will start on Tuesday May 3rd and continue for four weeks.
The committee has started another project in conjunction with the residents of Salmons Lane and pupils of Ballyleague National school to introduce a way-marked interpretative nature walk down Salmons Lane. The committee has engaged wildlife expert Michael Bell for this project and Michael has already visited the area three times with members of Ballyleague Junior Tidy Towns committee. The next stage of the project will be the installation of signage and benches along the lane with information on the bird life, wildlife and flora and fauna of the area.
The committee continues to work with Waterways Ireland on the development of the North Harbour and quay wall area. 100,000 Euro has been spent there in the last 12 months – putting in a new amenity area – after meetings between our committee chairman and WI engineers. The finished product is exceptional. Arising from some concerns expressed by members of our committee and local residents the little garden and play area at the quayside wall will be completed with a safety fence in the coming weeks to ensure the safety of all children using this area. In the meantime the play area will be sealed off and is not open to children.
The following committee was elected at the AGM: Chairman: James Hudson. Vice Chairman: Gerry Trimble. Secretary: Margaret Thompson. Assistant Secretary: Alan Horohoe. Treasurer: JP Kilcline. Assistant Treasurer: Joe Cribbin. PRO: Ciaran Mullooly. Assistant PRO Fr John McManus
The committee will step up its weekly voluntary work now as the annual judging of the tidy towns competition approaches. Local residents are asked to play their part by cutting grass and painting walls or trimming hedges in front of their homes.
The committee welcomes volunteers to help do the weekly litter picks and other work when we meet at 7pm every Wednesday evening and 10.30am every Saturday. The meeting point is normally beside the Thatch in Ballyleague. Please come along if you can spare an hours to make the village look even better.
For more information e-mail [email protected]