As Renua begins the process of “regather and regroup” Anne Farrell, Renua’s Roscommon Representative welcomes the general political will to embrace many of the Renua policies on political reform.
Speaking yesterday she said that reforms, including the newly invoked method of appointment of Ceann Comhairle, are welcome, however “the missed opportunity” of having gender equality by not electing Maureen O’Sullivan was “regrettable”, as it would have sent “a clear and strong signal that we had truly entered a new era in political management of our country”.
Anne said that Renua welcome the broad cross party acceptance of the need for political reform proposed and relentlessly pursued by Lucinda Creighton. “We now expect to see a myriad of Dáil Committees with enhanced powers and presumably gender balance! We now expect the Fiscal Council emerging as the much needed watchdog with more statutory powers, with political parties ignoring its advice at their peril.”
She went on to say that “In addition we expect to see more involvement of All TDs not only in appearance and advocacy but in collaboration on budgets and all long term planning in areas of Health, Housing, Childcare, Education etc.
“As we now await the outcome of the political deal-making, the country, in crisis in almost all areas of public and social service provision, must hang on to see if “The Games”, produce any reputable amalgam of political personnel with the courage to take the next necessary steps in the promised recovery. No doubt exciting times are ahead but with the possibility of a premature election, I would advise constituents to familiarise themselves more with each parties policies especially in proposals for funding and restructuring our health care and social housing systems, the areas of job creation and self employment, and any plans for dealing with one of the most neglected areas of social policy – our spatial strategy for the future. It is only by informing ourselves and perhaps getting involved that we can truly have our say in future developments in Ireland. Grassroots involvement is necessary for communities to be represented in a more meaningful way. So my advice is simply this: Get involved and make your contribution count for you.”
“Moving forward, I will keep my promise through sustained engagement with the relevant authorities and ALL local representatives, to help resolve the issues that arose on the doorsteps as I canvassed, including the lack of a play area in Monksland, home carers needs and social employment schemes” she concluded.