Sun Smart

Top 5 tips to become Sun Smart from Roscommon Hospital

Sun Smart

The Department of Plastic Surgery in Roscommon Hospital recently hosted a very successful Safe Sun and Awareness Campaign and they are encouraging people to become Sun Smart.

The aim of the campaign was to increase knowledge among patients, visitors and members of the public regarding the dangers of sun exposure, the benefits of sun protection and how to adopt safe sun practices prior to the holiday season. A report by Cancer Research U.K 80% of Skin Cancer cases could be prevented through adoption of safe sun behaviour from childhood to adulthood.

You can be Sun Smart by following these practical sun safety measures:

– Wear protective clothing such as a shirt with sleeves and high collars, a wide brimmed hat that protects the ears, nose and back of the neck, and wearing sunglasses;

– Apply a lip balm with a high SPF to protect the lips;

– Apply a high protection sunscreen (at least SPF 15) 20 minutes before going outside and re-applying the sunscreen every two hours;

– Re-apply the sunscreen after getting wet, after perspiring or after towelling off; and

– If at all possible, avoid being in the midday sun from 11am to 3pm.

Taking these simple measures can significantly reduce the chances of developing skin cancers in the future.

During the campaign, staff from the Department of Plastic Surgery provided high quality, evidence-based information on preventative measures, safe sun practices and timely recognition of skin cancers All participants received information leaflets and La Roche Posay UV sun protection samples.

The Safe Sun and Awareness Campaign was initiated and launched by Bernie Finneran, Amanda O’ Halloran, Bernadette McTague and other key nursing staff in the Department of Plastic Surgery in Roscommon Hospital as well as Ms Deirdre Jones, Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Ms Jackie O`Connor from La Roche Posay who kindly sponsored the event .