Carrick Golf Club Spring League
The weather is playing havoc with Spring League schedule, having lost the Singles week and with Captain’s Drive-In this Sunday (March 12th) the 4Man Scramble will take place starting this Saturday 11 March and run until Friday 17 March. The Singles will run from Saturday 18th March to Thursday 23rd March.
This is Your Life
This is Your Life on Saturday last March 4th was a resounding success, with the pinnacle of the night being the fact that Ann Campbell was completely shocked to be chosen as the candidate for this our first running of This is Your Life. The large turnout of Members and friends were entertained by well put together history of Ann’s life from family photographs, cine film of her wedding, video clips from grandchildren, audio from Tess Bredin and Sheila Heeran from New York and in the room on the night family & golfing friends from around the country and from Portugal. It was all conducted superbly by Liam Bruen (aka Eamonn Andrews). Well done Liam and well done to Ann’s family from keeping it a secret from her – not an easy job. Particularly well done Phoebe, who compiled all family history. The club would also like to thank our sponsors on the night, Cox’s Pharmacy, Di Vinos, Padraig Glancy Super Valu Carrick, The Bunker Bar @ Carrick Golf Club, Pat Conlon Confectionery, Shane Kelly Super Valu Boyle, Liam Bruen. Thank you also to all the Members and friends who bought tickets and helped to make it a memorable night.
Captains Drive-In Sunday 12 March.
Spring League Round 4, Saturday 11th March to Friday March 17th – 4Man Shambles.
Round 5 is Singles; Saturday 18th Mar to Thursday 23rd March.
St Patrick’s Weekend Open
Friday 17th, March Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th March we have our first Open Competition of season with Ladies & Gents Single Stableford OPEN, Visitors €15, Members €10. Book online or by calling club on 071 9667015