An additional €100,000 has been allocated in the HSE’s 2017 National Service Plan to complete the construction of the Boyle Primary Care Centre.
The Boyle Primary Care Centre project is currently under construction on the grounds of the Plunkett Home and is set to open in September 2017 – more details here. Once completed, Boyle will be the fourth Primary Care Centre operational in the county, in addition to Castlerea, Monksland and Roscommon town.
Senator Frank Feighan has welcomed the news, adding
“It’s great to see that the construction of the 17,000 square foot two-storey building is now well underway.
“The facility will offer GP suites, consulting rooms, dental services, physiotherapy and occupational therapy suites along with a separate dental wing.
“Mental health outpatient clinics, paediatric physiotherapy and occupational therapy and ophthalmology clinics are among the other services which will be available there.
“The centre will ensure that the local community has improved access to a greater range of health services on their own doorstep and under the one roof.