The Club held its AGM yesterday evening. The following officers were elected: Chairperson: Kathleen Hanmore; Vice Chairperson: Lenard Sutton; Secretary: Mary Clifford; Vice-Secretary: Jan Flanagan; Treasurer: James O’Boyle; Vice-Treasurer: Sandra Carroll; PRO: Shane Spellman; Health and Wellness Officer: Jackie Valentine; Players Representive: David Kelly; Registrar: Roch Hanmore; Lotto Co-ordinator: Aidan Lavin; Pitch Co-ordinators: Micheal Furey and Martin Purcell.
Boyle GAA Lotto
Marian McGovern and Sabrina Downes were €20 winners at the most recent Club Lotto draw which was held in the Patrick’s Well. The house prize was won by Christy Grehan. The jackpot wasn’t won. It will be at €2,000 for this Saturday night’s draw which will be held in Kate Lavin’s, with Team E in charge. The Club is encouraging those who have not yet signed up for the Club Lotto draw for 2017 to do so immediately by contacting any of the Club officers. On joining the club lotto you will be entered into a draw for 5 prizes of €100.
Underage Football
The 2016 Garda Cup Final is on Saturday 10th December at 11am in Boyle between Boyle -v- Kilmore/Shannon Gaels.
Minor Board AGM will be held on Tuesday 6th December in the clubhouse at 8pm. Everybody welcome to attend.
Ladies Football
At last week’s AGM the following officers were elected: Chairperson: Noel Scally; Secretary: Bernie Mullins; Treasurer: Cathy Garavan; Asst Treasurer Marie Kennedy; Registrar: Sabrina Kerins: Asst Registrar Sarah Keenehan; Children’s Officer: Mary Scally; PRO: Karen Brogan.
In 2016 all underage teams competed in Division 1 of the Championship, with U12’s and U14’s winning the 1B titles. Looking forward to continued success in 2017.