Boyle GAA Lotto
Barry Feely and Lochlainn Conboy were €20 winners at the most recent Club Lotto draw which was held in Clarke’s Bar. The house prize was won by Jamsie Clarke. The jackpot wasn’t won. It will be at €1,900 for this Saturday night’s draw which will be held in Patrick’s Well Bar, with Team D in charge. The Club is encouraging those who have not yet signed up for the Club Lotto draw for 2017 to do so immediately by contacting any of the Club officers.
Underage Round-up
Our U 14s will play Strokestown in the Garda Cup Semi Final on Saturday next at 1.30pm. Please go along and support the lads.
The annual presentation of awards to our underage players and team will take place in St Joseph’s Hall on this Friday evening at 7.30pm. All underage players i.e. all who played in the various age groups from under 18 downwards, are invited to attend. We would also invite all parents, family members and supporters to come along.
The Underage section of the Club will hold its Annual General Meeting within the coming fortnight. Details will be notified locally.
The Annual General Meeting of the overall Club (Underage and Adult) will be held in the Clubroom on Sunday week 4th December at 5pm. Nomination forms have been issued to Club members. We encourage all who have received nomination forms to consider nominating those whom they feel deserve an opportunity to hold any of the Club officer-ship positions. It must be emphasised that anyone who is being nominated for a position should have given consent to their nomination. We urge everyone to implement the nomination process to nominate suitable nominees so that the best people are elected to run our Club into the future. Completed Nomination Forms should be returned to Club Secretary Mary Clifford by Tuesday week 29th November.
A reminder that our big Christmas social event-our annual Table Quiz-will be held in St Joseph’s Hall on Wednesday 28th December.
The Club extends its sympathy to Connacht Council President Michael Rock and the Rock family on the death of his brother, Thomas Rock, Longford. Sympathy is also extended to the Candon family Greatmeadow on the sad passing within 2 days of each other of Sheila and Martin Candon.
Ladies Club
Boyle Ladies GAA Club will hold its Annual General Meeting in the Clubroom on Sunday next 27th November at 5pm. All players, parents and everyone interested in the continued development of ladies football in Boyle, is invited to attend.