There was no jackpot winner of the club lotto draw which was held on 6th November. Drawn numbers were : 1. 5, 6 & 13. There was one match 3 winner, Erdan, Kyle & Alex Griffin, Cootehall. The next draw will be held in Henry’s, Cootehall on Sunday 20th November for a jackpot of €7,100.
The St Michaels GAA Club Holiday & Fuel Draw is now in full swing and prizes can be won for as little as €2. Entry to the draw is now available online by clicking on the link on our blog: www.stmichaelsgaa.blogspot.com or by finding us on facebook, search ‘st michaels gaa’. There will be a Holiday & Fuel draw meeting each Monday from 8 – 9pm for the next few weeks. Anyone willing to get involved is welcome.
Are you starting to think of Christmas presents already? Why not consider some of the following which are available from St Michaels GAA, contact Jenny on 087 6811655: St Michaels 75 year Anniversary Book (just a few left), Annual lotto membership, or St Michael’s jerseys and clothing which are available direct from www.oneills.com.
Club Rossie are holding a black tie event in the Hodson Bay Hotel on Saturday night 26th of November at 8pm in the Hodson Bay Hotel to announce the naming of our new Centre of Excellence after the great Roscommon player and ambassador Dermot Earley. This is a very historic event and we need to celebrate it accordingly making it a night to remember. If you would like to attend please contact Jenny for more details.
The club extends sympathy to the Stanley family, Cleen and the McLoughlin family, Ardconry on their recent bereavements.