Ladies Tournament
Well done to the three clubs who took part in the St Michaels under 16 ladies tournament on Saturday at Ardcarne Park. The final between St Michaels and Allen Gaels ended in a draw and now goes to a replay.
Season ends
The under 6s/8s and 10s brought their season to a close with a good training session on Sunday. Well done to all players and parents throughout the year, the future for St Michaels is bright. Thanks to all who provided and served the refreshments on Sunday.
Good luck to all who are going to take part in Scór na bPáistí on the 22nd in Lecarrow and the 28th in Elphin. We will have competitors in the ballad group, music group and solo singing.
St Michaels GAA Lotto
There was no winner of the club lotto which was held on Sunday last. Congratulations to Niall & John Flynn who both matched 3 numbers. The numbers drawn were 2,11,15 and 29. The jackpot is now €6,900 and the next draw will be on Sunday night in Beirnes of Battlebridge.
St Michaels GAA History Book
Our 75th Anniversary book is on sale for €12 locally or by contacting Jenny at 0876811655.
Club Meeting
There will be a club meeting on Monday 17th at 9pm. All club members are welcome to attend.