The u8 and u10 boy’s and girl’s coaching and development season came to an end on Monday 3rd October with the staging of the street league finals in O’Rourke Park. This was followed by the presentation of medals in the O’Rourke Centre. Thanks to all the parents who provided refreshments on the evening. We sincerely thank all the coaches’ male and female who gave so generously of their time to facilitate the coaching sessions on Monday evenings since last January when they commenced in the Hub before moving to the O’Rourke Park on 4th April. We also thank them for their time in facilitating the blitzes in O’Rourke Park and with neighbouring clubs.
The children enjoyed their day at the Roscommon Herald sponsored Go Games in the Centre of Excellence in Ballyhaunis. A special thanks to the minor boys and girls who assisted with the coaching; we hope it was a good experience for them. Thanks to all who worked in the shop providing refreshments for the people who attended O’Rourke Park during the year. Thanks to the parents who brought their children to the coaching and games, and we know that they also join us in thanking everyone who made the year such a success. Finally thanks to Wispey’s, Castlerea for their kind sponsorship of underage activities at the club.
The u14 boy’s division three championship final against St Faithleach’s in Fuerty last Saturday ended in controversy. The referee had deemed Castlerea St Kevins as winners but after the intervention of an individual at the game he changed the result to a draw.
Thanks to the ladies board for hosting the girl’s u14 county championship final between Michael Glavey’s and St Mary’s last Sunday.
The minor boy’s division three championship against Kilmore/Shannon Gaels is fixed for next Sunday in Elphin at 1pm. Please come and support the team.
Check gaaroscommon.ie or Aertel page 452 for all fixtures and results.
Castlerea St Kevins Lucky Numbers Draw
There was no winner of the €18,000 lucky numbers jackpot on Friday 07th October; numbers drawn on the night were 13, 20, 29 and 33. €50 winners on the night were Gerard Mullarkey, Kevin Henry, Francis Finnerty, Melanie Gannon and Margaret Egan. Next weeks jackpot is €18,100 and the draw takes place in The Cosy Bar on Friday 14th October. Tickets on sale in shops and pubs in town or from any club official at €2 per panel or three panels for €5. Castlerea St Kevins thanks everyone who supports our lotto.
Castlerea St Kevins Bingo
Next bingo is in O’Rourke Centre on Friday 07th October at 8-30pm. The jackpot will be €1,100 on 45 calls or less, or €300 on 48 calls or less. Quick lotto is at €350.