The Loughglynn Music Festival, featuring the Queen of the Woodlands Competition, takes place this August Bank Holiday Weekend in Loughglynn Community Centre.
The event gets underway on Saturday at 9pm with the Queen of the Woodlands Competition. 10 contestants will take to the stage to be interviewed by Gerry Glennon of Mid West Radio with the aim of being crowned ‘The Queen of the Woodlands 2016’.
This promises to be an enjoyable event for all the family, with special family admission rates from 9 -11pm. Afterwards you can dance the night away to Brendan Shine and his Band.
On Sunday July 31st there’s dancing to Michael English and his Band and on Monday August 1st there’s dancing to Derek Ryan and his Band. There is a Bar Exemption Nightly and admission is €15 each night with a special price of €10 on Saturday night before 12 midnight.
All proceeds from the Festival go to the Loughglynn Community Centre. So get your dancing shoes on, come out and meet old friends and have the craic while supporting this worthy fundraising event!