Farm Safety Week aims to cut the toll of accidents which continue to give agriculture the poorest record of any occupation in the Ireland and the UK.
The awareness week, which runs July 4th to 8th offers five days of themed practical farm safety advice and guidance to farmers and urges farmers to consider ‘Who Would Fill Your Boots?’ if you had a farm accident.
Tuesday of Farm Safety Week focuses on Machinery.
Poorly used or faulty machinery is a major cause of death and injury on farms. Farmers come into contact with a host of machinery daily – combines, choppers and hay balers which bring their own attendant dangers. Hands, hair and clothing can be caught by unguarded PTO shafts or other unguarded moving parts such as pulleys and belts. People can be injured by front-end loaders, falling from a moving tractor or being struck by its wheels.
Machinery accidents can be prevented by keeping the machine in good repair, fitting and ensuring all safety equipment (such as guards, safe access platforms and ROPS on tractors) are operating with the machine at all times and not taking risks when working with powerful machinery.
According to Maura Canning, IFA Farm Family Chairperson, “Everybody in farming knows somebody who has been injured or killed in an accident. Asking farmers to consider ‘Who Would Fill Your Boots?’ seems like the right thing to do given the consequences of taking constant risks when working. One day your luck could run out. One day it could be you.”
Maura Canning added: “This Farm Safety Week we are calling on farmers not to rely on luck when working. Agricultural machinery is dangerous and can rip off a limb or kill in seconds. Make sure you become familiar with the THINK SAFETY, FARM SAFELY campaign. Ensure equipment is switched off when making routine checks or maintenance and always take your time to think about what you are doing and what might go wrong as making a few simple checks could actually save a life – maybe your own!”
Peter Gohery’s story
After losing his leg in an accident five years ago, Co Galway farmer Peter Gohery is keen to highlight the harsh reality of what really happens during, and after, a farm accident.
The farmer and former building contractor from Eyrecourt will never forget the day in 2009 when he got caught in an unguarded power take-off (PTO) on his tractor. It removed one of his legs above the knee and he was lucky that his other leg, which also had severe injuries, escaped a similar fate. Peter praises the quick thinking of his ten year old son Ryan at the time, who immediately switched off the tractor and ran for help as the reason he is still around to tell the tale.
As a result of the accident, Peter spent three months between hospital and rehabilitation and now devotes some of his time speaking to farmers and agricultural students about the importance of implementing safety measures. But Peter describes himself as one of the luckiest people in the world to be alive and be in a position to offer advice to other farmers.
Peter, who has had two prosthetic limbs since the accident, was in America recently and was asked to try out a new leg by a company that provides such limbs to the army in the event of soldiers being seriously injured. He was given a new leg with electronic knee joints and said that it has given him much more freedom. “They even told me that I could now play golf on it because it is so flexible. It also takes a lot of pressure off the good leg”, he added.