Tulsk 2-15 St Dominics 0-12
Well done to our Tulsk Fuels FloGas sponsored Intermediate team and manager Alan Burns on getting off to a winning start in the championship, defeating St. Dominic’s on Saturday evening. Team: R. Fahey, D. Donoghue, D. O’Rourke, D. Raftery, P. Scott (0-01), D. Jones (0-01), R. Galvin, K. Donoghue (0-01), T. O’Rourke (1-00), C. Burns, C. O’Rourke (0-04), S. McCormack (0-04), J. Conlon (1-04), R. Feeney, D. Carleton. Subs used: C. Flanagan for R. Galvin, N. O’Connor for D. Raftery, M. Conway for C. Burns, N. Casserly for D. Carleton, S. Murray for D. O’Rourke.
Finance Meeting
There will be a meeting of the club’s Finance Committee on Wednesday night at 9pm in the clubrooms. All members please attend.
Tulsk GAA Fundraising Draw
Our first Fundraising Draw of 2016 will take place on Sat 21st May in Devine’s. Tickets cost €50 and secure your entry into three draws throughout the year. Draw one: First prize: weekend for two in Paris to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th to 6th prizes: €100 each. Tickets are on sale from Club Treasurer Sean Mulligan on 086 8739330 or any member of the Finance Committee. The second draw will take place on July 31st in Flanagan’s Bar, Castleplunkett. First prize: Two tickets to the All-Ireland Football Final plus weekend for two in Dublin to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. The third draw will take place on 30th October in O’Connor’s Bar, Tulsk. First prize: weekend for two in Rome to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. Your support of this fundraiser is sincerely appreciated.
Club Rossie
Memberships are available from Club Secretary Olivia Lenehan on 086 8797647 or from clubrossie.ie . Gold membership €228, bronze membership €100. The Club Rossie draw takes place this Saturday May 14th in Hannon’s Hotel.
Tulsk GAA 50-50 Draw
The club congratulates James O’Connor, winner of €333 in the 50/50 draw on May 1st. Thanks to the G4MO team of sellers. Bill Callaghan’s team are on duty this week.