Results and Fixtures
Our intermediate team were beaten by Creggs away on Sunday.
The St Michaels/St. Ronans minor team beat Kilbride at Kilronan Park last Friday evening.
The St Michaels under 14 boys were beaten by Kilmore/Shannon Gaels in their division 2 league game in Kilmore on Thursday. They are due to play Elphin this Thursday at Ardcarne Park at 7pm.
The under 16 girls team lost out in a nail biting finish in the Division 3b final against Kilglass Gaels at Kilronan Park on Sunday. The panel was Meadbh Duignan, Cara Clancy, Noelle Martin, Emer Dowd, Clodagh Sheerin, Aisling Bruen, Sarah Smith, Edel Gallagher, Ciara Mc Hugh, Sharon Burke, Anna Corcoran, Miryam Daly, Rosie Coppieters, Katie Corcoran, Tara Earley, Roisin Henry, Leanne Hennessy, Saoirse Rown, Aoibhe Gaffney, Laura Moran, Aoife Guckian, Niamh Clancy, Chloe Cooney, Tori Monahan, Emma Benson. Team Management: Jenny Bruen, Eddie Heslin, Tommy Daly.
The Under 12 girls were beaten by Elphin-Kilmore at Ardcarne Park on Thursday.
Training for under 6 and under 8 kids continues every Friday from 7 to 8pm. Text 086 2397999 for more details.
St Michaels Lotto
The club lotto jackpot was not won last week, numbers drawn were 5, 14, 18 & 20. Five €20 winners were Frankie Mc Kiernan, Tina Connolly, K. Oates/F. Simon, Brian & Fiona Reynolds, Shane Morahan. The nest draw will be in Tara Marina on 1st May with Ann Cox’s team in control.
Clothes Collection
The club are holding a clothes collection and bags can be left at the Complex.