IFA Environment and Rural Affairs Chairman Thomas Cooney has called on the negotiators involved in current discussions regarding the formation of the new Government, to ensure that Group Water Schemes (GWSs) and their members are given equal consideration if any changes arise.
Speaking following recent meetings with the National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWs) and other schemes in Monaghan, Mr. Cooney said, “Government support to GWSs has fallen in recent years, following the decision to introduce water charges, mainly in urban areas. This reduction has resulted in increased costs and expenditure being imposed on the thousands of GWS members who use the service, and has created particular difficulties for several small GWSs.”
Thomas Cooney added, “It is absolutely essential that the reduction of Government support for the GWS sector is reversed if any decision is made to end or put a moratorium on water charges in urban areas.”
Pictured above at the meeting were (L-R): Kathleen Ward, IFA Monaghan Environment Representative; Sean Clerkin, Strategic Policy Advisor, National Federation of Group Water Schemes; Thomas Cooney, IFA National Environment Chairman; and, Thomas Ryan, IFA Environment Executive.