The Average Price of Houses for sale in Roscommon now stands at €113,466
and that’s one of the least expensive in the country, according to today’s report from Daft.ie. In percentage terms that price of Houses for sale in Roscommon has risen by 8.4% since March 2015, which is well above the national average of 5.9%.
A breakdown of the figures in the report shows that:
– The average price of a 1 Bedroom Apartment is €39,000 (up €4,000 during the last quarter)
– 2 Bed Terrace Houses for sale in Roscommon are priced at €43,000 (up €2,000)
– A 3 Bed Semi-Detached House in Roscommon will cost €66,000 (up €5,000)
– while the average price of a 4 Bedroom Bungalow is €136,000 (up €6,000)
– and a 5 Bedroom Bungalow is, on average, €153,000 – which is down €1,000 from the last quarter
The only counties with lower house prices than Roscommon are Leitrim; with an average price of €111,964 and Longford, where average price is €100,237.Among the other interesting points in the report were that
Over half of all properties sell within four months
Just over half (52%) of all properties in the Connacht-Ulster Region find a buyer within four months
Prices further above asking
The average transaction price in Connacht-Ulster is now 2.4% above the original list price, compared to 0.9% above in the last quarterly report and 1.1% below 12 months ago.
Supply falls further
There were just 6,500 properties for sale in Connacht-Ulster at the start of April 2016 (down from 8,000 in the last quarter) – the lowest total on the market since February 2007.
Leitrim and Cavan increases
Prices of houses in all the counties in the Connacht-Ulster Region continue to rise year on year, the largest percentage increases are in Leitrim (16%) and Cavan (18%).