Our Tulsk Fuels FloGas sponsored Intermediate team play Clann na Gael B in the O’Gara Cup this weekend. See Fixtures for details.
Tulsk GAA Fundraising Draw
There is less than three weeks to go until our first major Fundraising Draw of 2016. Tickets cost €50 and secure your entry into three draws throughout the year. The first draw will take place on May 1st in Devine’s, Clashaganny. First prize: weekend for two in Paris to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. The second draw will take place on July 31st in Flanagan’s Bar, Castleplunkett. First prize: Two tickets to the All-Ireland Football Final plus weekend for two in Dublin to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. The third draw will take place on 30th October in O’Connor’s Bar, Tulsk. First prize: weekend for two in Rome to the value of €1,000, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. Your support of this fundraiser is sincerely appreciated.
Club Rossie
Club Rossie Memberships are available from Club Secretary Olivia on 086 8797647. Gold membership €228, bronze membership €100.
Darkness into Light
As part of the Health and Wellbeing Initiative, the club is encouraging as many members as possible to take part in the Darkness into Light Walk in Roscommon on Sat May 7th in aid of Pieta House. See www.pieta.ie for more info.
Tulsk GAA 50-50 Draw
Congratulations to Marella Fallon, winner of €200 in the 50/50 draw held on April 3rd. Thanks to Martin Flynn and and his team of sellers. The St. Mary’s selling team is on duty this week.
Ladies Football
U-8 and U-10 girls football training will start on Friday evening at 6pm.