IFA Rural Development Chairman Flor McCarthy has said approvals of TAMS II applications should commence within the next ten days and it is vital that the 5,000 farmers who applied in the first two tranches of the scheme but do not yet have approval are allowed to proceed with their work immediately.
More than 6,000 farmers have applied for TAMS II to date. Only 1,000 of these applicants have got either full or part approval for Dairy Equipment and Low Emission Slurry.
Flor McCarthy said the delays in getting approvals to all farmers are unacceptable. IFA is insisting that Minister Coveney puts in place a speedier approval process for the remaining tranches of the scheme.
Flor McCarthy said that a number of farmers have expressed concern with regard to the payments of TAMS II grants given the income position on many farms. IFA has requested that farmers who have part approval should be paid for the amount of work that they have completed.
IFA has also called on the Minister to implement the Sheep Fencing Scheme and tillage measures in the tranche of TAMS that commenced at the end of March. While the proposal to introduce Sheep Fencing has not been approved, the IFA has been told by the EU Commission that there is nothing to stop the Department of Agriculture from implementing it.
The third tranche of TAMS II is now open and it is important that the full allocation of €395m to the scheme is fully utilised under the Rural Development Programme.