ICSA president Patrick Kent has expressed deep alarm at progress on a Mercosur trade deal between the EU and South America, which includes proposals for a tariff rate quota for beef.
“Our worst fears are beginning to crystallise with a proposal which would be utterly disastrous for the beef sector here. A tariff rate quota implies thousands of tons of tariff free South American beef flooding the EU market which will be devastating for Irish beef exports.”
“I am calling on the Minister for Trade Richard Bruton to immediately make strong representations that Ireland will not accept beef being sold out for a deal which will have very dubious upside for Ireland. Minister Bruton needs to clarify very publicly that he is not willing to see Irish beef sacrificed.”
“Irish beef cannot be expected to compete on European markets with South American beef which is produced to a very different standard, where environmental damage is ignored and where labour standards and pay conditions are totally different. Import tariffs provided some balance, so any proposal to undermine these will be disastrous and the impact on Irish exports would be serious.”
ICSA is also calling on the EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan to do everything in his power to fight for the EU beef sector with his Commission colleague Cecelia Malmstrom who is handing the Mercosur negotiations on behalf of Europe. “It’s not just Irish farmers who will be affected; it’s all EU beef farmers. What is the EU for, if it is not for supporting a viable agriculture sector in Europe?” concluded Mr Kent.