St Faithleachs 2-10 Tulsk 0-6
The club’s Junior team lost to St. Faithleach’s on Sunday in the opening round of the Division 6 League. Team: J. Grady, C. McCormack, D. Donoghue, G. Callaghan, J. Murray, N. O’Connor, C. Higgins, I. Jones, J. Cunnane, N. McNamara, N. Casserly (0-01), M. Conway (0-02), D. McNamara (0-03), N. Hunt, D. Coyne. Subs used: J. Donoghue for N. Hunt, C. O’Regan for M. Conway, M. Conway for C. McCormack.
First Aid Course
Thank you to all the volunteers who took part in the Occupational First Aid course and the Defibrillator Training at the weekend. It is great to have so many trained personnel within the club. Thank you to Lorraine McGarry, Siobhan Healy and Fiona Crean for organising the courses and to the course facilitators.
Tulsk GAA Race Night
The club’s Race Night will take place in The Tulsk Inn on Saturday 19th March. Horses can be bought for €10 each from our Intermediate players. First race at 9.30pm. Prize money €200 per race. Bookies on the night will be taking bets on all races. Prizes for best dressed lady and best dressed gent. A very enjoyable night is guaranteed. The club’s annual Fundraising Draw will be launched at the Race Night. This fundraiser is vital for the running of the club. Tickets will be on sale in the next few weeks. Tickets cost €50 and secure your entry into three draws throughout the year. The first draw will take place on May 1st in Devine’s Fireside Lounge, Clashaganny. First prize: weekend for two in Paris to the value of €1,000 or cash equivalent, second prize: €500, 3rd prize: €250, 4th-6th prizes: €100 each. The club sincerely appreciates your support of all club fundraisers.
50-50 Draw
Congratulations to Matt O’Connell, winner of €221 in the 50/50 draw on Feb 28th. Thanks to Martin Flynn and his team of sellers. The St. Mary’s selling team are on duty this week.
Club Rossie
Club Rossie Memberships are available from Club Secretary Olivia on 086 8797647 or [email protected]. Gold membership €228, bronze membership €100. See www.clubrossie.ie or contact Olivia for more information.