There were 700 cattle on offer at Castlerea Mart on Thursday March 3rd, with prices remaining firm backed by a strong farmer and feeder demand.
Heifers in particular were a fiery trade with good quality lots on offer. Bigger numbers of suck calves on offer this week with plainer type lots a little easier while the quality lots remain a good trade. The store bullocks ,weanling bulls and cow trade reported prices similar to last week
BULLOCKS: Ch 470kgs €1285 AA 475kgs €1250 Lm 545kgs €1410 Ch 500kgs €1315 Ch 590kgs €1395 Ch 610kgs €1400 Lm 550kgs €1375 Ch 670kgs €1450
HEIFERS: Ch 410kgs €1050 Lim 410kgs 1035 Ch 490kgs €1300 Ch 480kgs €1220 Lm 500kgs €1420 Ch 500kgs €1325
DRY COWS: Lm 700kgs 1335 Ch 600kgs €1250 AA 760kgs €1190 Lm 610kgs €1155 Lm 550kgs €1170
Cows with calves at foot made from €1360 to €1830 for a Ch cow and her Ch bull calf at foot
Springer cows made from €1010 to €1530 per head
Dairy cows made form €750 to €1070 per head
Calves : Bigger numbers on offer this week with big differences in prices depending on quality Jersey type dairy calves made from €5- €40 Fr. bulls made from €50 – €140 with Hr. AA types making from €150- €440 with continentals making up to €550
Weanling Bulls: Top quality lots made from €2.80 – €3.34 a kilo with heavier lots making from €2.25 -€2.58 a kilo
Sample prices: Ch 270kgs €865 AA 270kgs €815 Ch 260kgs €870 Lim 410kgs €1060 Lm 445 kgs €1125
Weanling Heifers : Ch 290kgs €920 Ch 270kgs €820 Ch 350kgs €1090 Ch 340kgs €1000 Ch 360kgs €1090
Sales continue at Castlerea Mart on Thursday next the 10th March with a sale of Bullocks Heifers Cows Calves and Weanlings. All Sales commence at 11am.