There was almost a complete clearance of stock at last night’s weekly sale in Elphin Mart.
There was a 100% clearance of Weanlings with €733 being the average price achieved for Weanlings under 300kg and a maximum price of €740 for a 250kg Charolais Female. Weanlings from 301kg to 400kg averaged at €815.
There was also a complete clearance of Dry Cows with average price of €1,370 achieved. Prices ranged from €780 up to €1,450 for a Limousin Cow weighing 735kg.
There was a 96% clearance of In-Calf heifers with average price of €1,524 achieved and prices ranging from €1,100 to €1,920.
Sheep numbers were smaller but overall there was almost a complete clearance with 98% sold.
Lambs weighing 50.5Kg made €120, Lambs weighing 44kg made €94.50 while Lambs weighing 34kg made €73.50. Culled ewes ranged from €61 to €119.50 and a small number of Breeding Ewes made €100.
View details of upcoming sales at elphinmart.ie.