Michael Fitzmaurice TD has welcomed the news that the market for live export of cattle to Turkey is set to open.
In a statement released last night Michael Fitzmaurice said “Having worked on the situation for the past number of weeks and months I am now very happy to be able to say that the Turkish market is set to open for live cattle exporters in the West of Ireland. Cattle are now in quarantine awaiting shipping which is good news. I raised the matter of the Department of Agriculture dragging it’s heels on this issue three weeks ago but thankfully that problem has been solved and exports can begin in the next two or three weeks. This will be good news for the market for weanlings under 340 kg”.
“I have pointed out that 65,000 less cattle were exported in 2015 than was the case in 2010 and it is vital that we export as many cattle as we can on the hoof. This Turkish market is a huge one and will be a big help to farmers and I am now working hard on the possibilities connected with the Egyptian market and I hope to be able to have good news on that front in the not too distant future” he concluded.