A short time ago Headstrong issued the following statement regarding Jigsaw Roscommon
“We were disappointed to announce the temporary closure of the Jigsaw Roscommon Service on Thursday 18th February. This was due to difficulties in recruiting a Clinical Coordinator for the service, a role that is essential in providing safe and quality mental health supports for young people.
We remain committed to staffing Jigsaw Roscommon, and are pleased to say that we have found a solution which enables us to resource the role of Clinical Coordinator. The next step in re-establishing the service involves the re-advertisement of other key clinical roles, which once filled would make it possible to open the doors of the service again in June 2016.
Headstrong and the HSE, along with other local partners remain committed to Jigsaw Roscommon. We have been working together with members of the local community and members of our Youth Advisory Panel to help campaign and further raise the profile locally about the need to fill these roles so that we can re-open the service.
We want to thank the local community, including the members of our Youth Advisory Panel and local media, for showing their support for Jigsaw Roscommon. We hope that the increased exposure this support has provided will help in trying to fill the roles as quickly as possible. For anyone interested in applying, details can be found at www.headstrong.ie/careers
For young people seeking help for their mental health in Roscommon, information on other local services and support are available on our website at www.jigsaw.ie/roscommon and at www.supportme.ie “