Over 7,400 Homes and businesses in rural Roscommon are to benefit from eir Fibre Broadband by the end of 2018 following an agreement between eir and the Government.
The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten TD announced details of a new investment by eir which will see 300,000 premises across Ireland have access to high speed broadband by the end of 2018, at the latest.
These premises were previously part of the National Broadband Plan Area but will now be provided by eir and almost 7,500 properties in County Roscommon will benefit from the investment. The Minister also confirmed the revised National Broadband Plan Area.
In announcing the news Minister Denis Naughten said
“Today is a good day for rural Ireland. The agreement that I have signed with Eir means one house every minute of every working day will get fibre to the door high speed broadband over the next 90 weeks. 300,000 more rural premises will have access to high speed quality broadband – that’s an extra 500 houses every day. Over the last four years commercial operators have invested over €2.5bn upgrading telecoms networks and services. This is a clear indication that the state’s commitment to Broadband is driving investment from the commercial sector. With the finalisation of the Broadband map one of the key uncertainties in the procurement process has now been removed and will allow us to move closer to our goal of ensuring all premises in Ireland will have access to high speed broadband.”
Areas to benefit range from Arigna to Taughmaconnell and Cloonfad to Tarmonbarry.
The revised National Broadband Plan (intervention) map is available on the Department’s website . People can check to see if their premises will benefit from the new eir Fibre Broadband Plan (shown in light blue) or from the National Broadband Plan (shown in Amber).