Fine Gael Senator Maura Hopkins has said that it is very positive that funding has been approved for the construction of a new Special Education Support Room that at Tibohine National School.
Senator Hopkins stated, “The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton TD has informed me that Tibohine National School has been approved for a new Special Education Teacher Support room.”
“This news is very welcome as I have been working with the school for some time to ensure the provision of this additional accommodation was approved. It is incredibly important that our students and teachers can work in a safe and modern environment.”
“Further to this positive news, I am continuing to work with staff, Board of Management and Council officials on road safety issues in the immediate vicinity of the school. I will continue to work with Minister Bruton and his Department to ensure that this project can be completed in a timely manner in order to allow the school to have the use of this much needed space.”
Maura Hopkins concluded by saying that St. Joseph’s National School in Glenamaddy had received funding for an Autistic Spectrum Disorder Unit “which is hugely important to support children with enhanced needs”.