Michael Fitzmaurice TD has re-iterated his thoughts that under-performing managers in the HSE will have to be replaced as part of the solution to the waiting list crisis.
Commenting on the issue of waiting lists, which was raised in last night’s edition of Prime Time on RTE 1 Michael Fitzmaurice said that “the HSE is now out of control and unaccountable”. “I have raised this issue almost on a monthly basis since I was elected but the situation is getting worse. The stories that we heard about on RTE on Monday night were heartbreaking and it is shameful that this is happening in 2017. Sometimes it is very important to remember that behind every number is a human being in need of treatment or an operation and who is living with illness and in pain.”
He went on to say “I agree with the Minister on one thing – the solution is not down to money alone. But unless the HSE is reformed, especially at managerial level, this crisis will never be solved”.
“Poor management is one of the reasons why we are in the present situation and it has to stop. Unless we are able to remove people who are not doing their job and replace them with people who can then we will not solve the crisis. the HSE is now out of control and is unaccountable and that situation must change. Successive Ministers for Health have been given wrong information by the HSE and it is time that people in management in the HSE were made to account for their actions. There must be a review of work practices in the HSE and it is clear that there is a problem in that regard too” he said .
“This of course would be only part of any possible solution and if the private hospitals can help to reduce the waiting lists then let’s talk to them immediately.
Michael Fitzmaurice also spoke of measures to attract and retain staff “In the area of staffing we must look at the training and recruitment of staff and make employment in the Irish health service an attractive job for nurses and doctors instead of them emigrating all over the world. I have often proposed in the past that maybe the state could have a role in paying for their education in return for a commitment that they will stay and work in Ireland for a period of say, five years. We have to consider all kinds of possible solutions if we want to be serious about this issue” he added.
“The Minister telling the country that the situation is not acceptable is no good to the people who are on these waiting lists. What they need is action and they need it now. The Taoiseach and Minister will have to get ruthless to solve this problem. It is a matter of life and death” he concluded.