Local Minister Denis Naughten has confirmed that the Cabinet has approved a new law which will help to speed up emergency flood relief works within the River Shannon catchment and the catchment areas of other rivers throughout the country.
The new law which is included in the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016 will streamline the planning procedures in respect of flood related works which will ensure flood works will be undertaken much more speedily than at present.
“This new law, which has been spearheaded by my colleague Minister Sean Canney, will be a significant step in accelerating the pace of delivery of necessary flood relief schemes by the Office of Public Works and the Local Authorities. This reform, in addition to a second law currently before the Dáil, will remove the Natural Heritage Area designation on the Suck Callows. If the Suck Callows were designated this could have delayed the removal of blockages in the river which contributed to recent flooding,” stated Denis Naughten.
“These two laws will help to ensure that the funding made available by Government to address flooding across the country, but particularly in Roscommon and Galway, can now be focused on action on the ground and not legal action in the courts,” concluded Minister Denis Naughten.