Funding has been approved for the latest phase of the upgrading of the N61 just north of Roscommon town as far as Coolteige Cross Roads.
The proposed development will be a 2.5km long standard Single Carriageway. Although no start date has been announced regular users of the road will have seen that the proposed route has been fenced off for some time. In addition, archaeology works were complete last year along the route near Mullymux.
Welcoming the news local Minister Denis Naughten said
“The location of the proposed scheme is on the N61 immediately north of Roscommon Town where the accident rate on this section of national road is twice the national average,” stated Minister Naughten.
“There are 47 access points on the N61 which are having a major impact on road safety. Under the works the number of access points will be reduced to 35 (by 75%),” confirmed Minister Naughten.
“Sight distances at junctions are restricted with no overtaking opportunities which will be addressed by these works,” added Naughten.
“It is anticipated that 9 out of 10 vehicles will divert onto the realigned route following completion of works which is hugely positive for road safety, homeowners on that stretch and the environment. The cost of construction will be substantially met by the savings arising out of Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s successful appeal on the toll VAT issue,” concluded Minister Naughten.