Speaking in the Ðáil last night Independent TD Michael Fitzmaurice said the fact that the Roscommon Mental Health Report has not yet been published “is a disgrace” adding “it’s time the HSE were made accountable for their lack of action in this sector”.
Debating the issue Michael Fitzmaurice said “The publication of this report has been postponed many times and frankly it is a disgrace that this report remains unpublished and as far as I can see the HSE are a law unto themselves and no one seems to be accountable. They attempted to close down Day Care Centres in recent months and they have ignored public representatives and treated them with contempt. There are so many problems facing people with mental health problems getting adequate treatment in rural areas. For example people having to go through A and E in order to be assessed is wrong and there should be a more accessible and compassionate assessment system”.
“With regard to alcohol problems which are often linked with mental health problems, there is a reluctance for the authorities to get involved for various reasons and we have to review the way we are dealing with people who need help. The quicker that this report is published and that we can deal with the fall out from it the better” he concluded.