Update April 19th with details of new venue.
Picture Credit: Glynn’s Photography, Castlerea.
Roscommon Solstice Choir are to perform at a fundraising concert on Sunday April 23rd in aid of CFID (Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile) Rescue 116.
Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile is a community development group which has been providing meals and refreshments to those involved in the search for the Rescue 116 Helicopter and it’s crew.
The Concert will be held in Saint Brendan’s Church, Tiraun, Co. Mayo Note change of venue. It is still set to get under way at 6pm. The aim of the concert is to help go some way to meeting the costs borne by CFID in providing the 150 meals a day to search and rescue teams since March 14th. It is estimated that the cost is in the region of €10,000.
In promoting the event Roscommon Solstice Choir, which has held raise €1,000s for various charities throughout the country, said they understand that not everyone can travel but some may wish to contribute to the effort. Donations can be made using any of the following methods:
1. Using a credit or debit card at https://www.ifundraise.ie/CFIDRescue116/3080/donate
2. By bank transfer from your own bank account to the CFID account in Ulster Bank, Belmullet: BIC: ULSBIE2D and IBAN: IE36ULSB98531400108632. Please mention CFID Rescue 116 in your message.
3. By post. Please cross all cheques/postal orders (no cash please) and make out to CFID Rescue 116 and send to: Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile, Aughleam, Blacksod, Co. Mayo.
Further information on the Concert is available from any member of the Roscommon Solstice Choir or from CFID via [email protected]