Roscommon Hospital officially launched their Calorie Posting Policy recently as part of the HSE’s Healthy Ireland Policy.
Commenting, Marie Doorly, Interim General Manager, Roscommon Hospital said “Calorie Posting is a key element of the HSE’s Healthy Ireland Policy. This policy will make our staff and visitors more aware of the calories in the food they eat and provide information regarding healthy eating options which in turn leads to healthier lifestyles. We first introduced Calorie Posting to the breakfast menu in December 2015 and its roll out continued on a phased basis. Calorie information is now available across the entire restaurant menu at Roscommon Hospital.”
The development and implementation of a Calorie Posting Policy is an important initiative supporting two key policy priority programmes – Healthy Eating and Active Living, and Staff Health and Wellbeing. The purpose of this Policy is to promote awareness and increase consumption of healthier food and drink choices amongst HSE staff and the public using and visiting HSE healthcare facilities, by highlighting the calorie content of food and drinks provided in HSE facilities.
Patricia Rogers, Catering Manager, Roscommon Hospital said,
’It is a simple concept that will help consumers make Healthier Choices.”
Research suggests that when menus display calories, people eat 6% less calories each day. Calorie posting focuses on displaying calories at the point of choice on food and beverages. It recognises that putting calories on menus makes the healthier choice the easier choice.