Results and Upcoming Fixtures
Our Tulsk Fuels FloGas sponsored Senior League team lost to St. Brigids on Friday night 3-18 to 0-07. Team: R. Fahey, D. Donoghue, D. O’Rourke, N. O’Connor, N. McNamara, D. Jones, G. Callaghan, J. Murray, C. Burns, C. O’Rourke (0-01), P. Scott, R. Kelly (0-01), J. Conlon (0-02), R. Feeney (0-02), C. O’Regan. Subs used: S. Lennon, T. Murray, S. Murray, S. McCormack (0-01).
Our Division Five league team had a good win over Boyle in Boyle on Saturday evening. Final score 1-11 to 0-07. Team: P. Beirne, C. Flanagan, T. Murray, N. McNamara, J. Carroll, N. O’Connor (1-01), C. Higgins, I. Jones, G. Callaghan (0-01), R. Kelly (0-02), N. Casserly (0-01), J. Murray, J. Donoghue (0-02), M. Conway (0-04), M. Flynn. Subs used: C. O’Regan, S. Crann, D. Carlos, S. Hynes.
The next round of Senior League takes place on Sunday next, away to St. Croan’s. See Fixtures for details.
Well done to Tadhg O’Rourke on his fine performance for Roscommon against Cavan.
Ploughing Championships
Thank you to all club members who helped with stewarding at the Ploughing Championships on Sunday.
The club extends its sympathy to the Lenehan family on the passing of Sadie’s sister Ellen Keohane. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam dílis.
Tulsk GAA Fundraising Draw
Tickets are on sale now for the club’s Annual Fundraising Draw. Tickets cost €50 and secure your entry into three draws throughout the year. The first draw will take place in Devine’s Fireside Lounge on 4th June. The first prize is a weekend for two in Paris to the value of €1,000 or cash equivalent, second prize €500, third prize €250 and three subsequent prizes of €100 each.
Tulsk GAA 50/50 Draw
Congratulations to Joe Cryan, winner of €180 in the 50/50 draw held on Sunday 26th March. Thanks to Mark Carlos’ selling team. Bill Callaghan and his team are on duty this week.