Senator Maura Hopkins has raised the issue of the temporary closure of Castlerea Fire Station with Minister Simon Coveney.
Castlerea Fire Station has been closed for the past two months as a result of a staffing shortage caused by illnesses. Speaking after last night’s public meeting in relation to the closure Senator Maura Hopkins said that she “along with those in attendance at the meeting remain very concerned about this issue. “It is very clear the people both in Castlerea Town and the wider catchment area feel at risk given that more than 1,800 people in the Castlerea area have signed a petition expressing serious concern at the current closure.”
“I have been advised by Roscommon County Council that at present staffing in Castlerea Fire Station is not at an adequate level to run the service. I have also been advised that this closure is temporary however, it is extremely important that this issue be resolved as quickly as possible and that the fire station becomes fully operational again. People in the Castlerea area need to be assured that an adequate fire service is being provided which responds in the fastest possible time”.
Senator Hopkins stated that while “cover is being provided by nearby fire services from Ballaghaderreen, Roscommon Town, Ballyhaunis and Elphin, the main concern relates to response times and at present we cannot be assured that fire services are getting to incidences of fire or road accidents in this area in the fastest time possible.”
“I have communicated my concerns on behalf of the people of Castlerea to Minister Simon Coveney in relation to this issue. I was asked by those in attendance at the meeting to organise a deputation with Minister Coveney in relation to the current closure of the fire station and to communicate these serious concerns which I am working on”.