Elphin claimed three of the six titles which were contested at the Roscommon GAA Scór Sinsir Finals, which were held in the Kilbride Community Centre last night (Saturday).
After the great excitement St. Dominic’s winning the All-Ireland Final in the Leiriu in Scor na Nog , it was back to business for the clubs in preparation for Scór Sinsir. Last night large numbers took to the stage to represent their clubs in the various events. What is interesting is that many of the participants in Scor Sinsear had spent the months previous preparing their younger club members for Scor na nÓg. After an entertaining evening the winners were announced:
Rince Foirne: Kilglass Gaels,
Amraniocht Aonair: Emma Brogan, Strokestown,
Aithriseoireacht: St. Michaels
Leiriu: Elphin,
Rince Seit: Elphin,
Rince Sean Nós: Elphin.
They will represent Roscommon GAA in the Connacht Finals, which will take place in Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo on Saturday March 25th:
The Roscommon GAA Scór Sinir “Tráth na gCeist” (Quiz) will be run in a Table Quiz format. Each club is entitled to enter a maximum of two teams to the County Final, which will be held on Friday, March 24th in Hannon’s Hotel, Roscommon town. The winner of the County Final Table Quiz will qualify to represent Roscommon in the All Ireland Final which will be held in The Waterfront Hall, Belfast, in May.