Once again with all the rain that fell over the week proceedings on the field were called to a halt!
Out intermediate ladies game with Western Gaels was called off, with a new date tbc.
Under 16 game Kilglass/St Barry’s V Kilmore/ Shannon Gaels Sunday March 12th will be played at 10.20 a.m. in Kilglass.
Kilglass Gaels Fundraisers
The lotto this week had no jackpot winner but 5 lucky dips , no’s were 8,12,24,25 bonus (6)
The ladies bonus ball continues every week last weeks winners were Karen Dockery and Eileen Deehan ,
The Lads team fundraiser “think you know your GAA” is on going and you can get involved by contacting any of the team!
Brian King Memorial Gym
Coming into the third month and our Brian King memorial gym membership numbers are still growing and it’s great to see. With that in mind, for anyone who still wants to join or just wants to look around please call Niall Kilcrann or Kieran Gallogly. Remember it’s costs nothing to come in and look around this fantastic facility which is open to both club and non club members alike.
Beginners Coaching
Coaching for Under 8s and Under 10s continues on Fridays from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and Coaching for Under 6s on Saturday morning 10am – 11am.
Kilglass Gaels Dinner Dance
Don’t forget our Dinner Dance only weeks away on March 24th, looking forward to a great night.