Presentation Night
St Faithleachs GAA Presentation Night takes place on Saturday 11th February in the clubhouse for all Senior, Junior, U20, Junior Ladies, Mother’s & Others and Minor Boys and Girls. Music by Alan Farry, all members and supporters welcome to attend.
Junior Ladies League D3
The Junior ladies start their league campaign on Sunday 12th with an away game to St.Barry’s at 12 noon.
Minor Boys League D2
First game of the season in Ballyleague at 11am on Sunday 12th against Elphin/ Ballinameen.
For anyone who has still to register please contact Caroline Connaughton (Senior), Mary Margaret Hoare ( Boys Register), Bernie Scally (Ladies Register) or Alan Brehon, Monica Connaughton, Qona Cox (Secretary’s).
To our club rep Ellen Irwin who was the recipient of the Roscommon Herald/SuperValu Sportstar Award (February) for Soccer/Gaelic Football with Roscommon Convent at the awards ceremony last Friday night.
Management Required
Would you like to become involved in coaching and become part of our management teams? Help is required with the U10/U12/U14/and U16 girls teams in order to have teams compete this year. We cannot do this without the support from parents. If you are willing to help out or know someone who is please contact Qona Cox.
Best of luck
To Roscommon in round two of the Allianz League against Donegal on Sunday next in Dr.Hyde Park at 2:30pm.
Take place every Tuesday evening in the clubhouse. Last week’s winners ; Sean / Michael, second place Pat Joe / Tim, last game Frank / Brendan.
St Faithleachs GAA Lotto
Jackpot stands at €12,000 , envelopes are available in all local retailers at €2. Team in charge for next two weeks are ; Mary Kenny, Padraig Kenny and Gerry Donlon. Next draw takes place on Tue 7th Feb.