Roscommon County Council has revealed that it was forced to resort to High Court proceedings to seek to restrain SIPTU from the proposed Fire Service strike, which was due to take place today.
In a statement released this morning Roscommon County Council said it is regrettable that the Council was forced to resort to High Court proceedings to seek to restrain SIPTU in its course of action. “The Council takes the threat of strike action extremely seriously, where such action, threatens to undermine and impede the Council in fulfilling its statutory obligations.”
It went on to say that “The Council cannot allow isolated incidents in any fire station or individual disgruntlement from any fire fighter to tarnish the reputation of our excellent and committed fire fighters or indeed frustrate our well established relationship with SIPTU.”
Roscommon County Council also re-iterated that they are “always ready and happy to engage with SIPTU, and recent events do not change this.” The statement concluded by calling on SIPTU to offer “some fresh thinking” “in situations where our right to manage the Fire Service and implement agreed procedures are being continuously frustrated, questioned and ignored by a very small number of individual fire fighters.”