Dinner Dance
This Friday night all roads lead to the Landmark Hotel, Carrick On Shannon as we celebrate a great 2016 that resulted in the club winning the Intermediate championship. Our Dinner Dance takes place on Friday and gets underway at 8pm with a 4 course meal. This will be followed by presentations and our special guest on the night is the GAA president Aogan O Fearghail. Then the brilliant band Late Night Radio will help everyone to dance the night away. Tickets cost just €30 and are on sale from all members of the finance Committee or by contacting Brian Carroll 0872420896 or Jenny Connellan 0860779493. We would encourage and appeal to everyone in the parish to come out and celebrate what will be a great night.
Underage Presentation
On this Saturday night our Minor Championship winning team and U-14 league winning team of Kilmore/Shannon Gaels will be honoured with a presentation night in the 4P’s getting underway at 7pm. There will be music and finger food on the night and we congratulate both teams on a great year.
Other News
Our 50/50 draw got back up and running at the weekend and we congratulate Mary Keenan, Kilmore who won our jackpot of €460. The seller was P Flynn. Our €25 winners were Ann Gormely, Nicola Craughwell, Kitty Gannon and Jackie Casserley/Alan Caslin. Thanks to Trevor Hunt and his team of sellers. Pamela McGauran’s team are now on selling duty for the next draw.
Best wishes
The club wishes Brendan Burke a speedy recovery from his recent illness.