Kilmore GAA Dinner Dance
Our Dinner Dance is just over 2 weeks away and takes place on Friday the 3rd of February at 8pm in the Landmark Hotel, Carrick On Shannon. Special guest on the night will be president of the GAA Aogan O Fearghail. Tickets will cost €30 and will be on sale from this weekend from members of the Finance Committee.
Minor Board AGM
The Minor Board AGM will take place this Saturday at 5.30pm in the Clubrooms. All parents of underage players are encouraged to attend.
Kilmore GAA 50-50 Draw
Our 50/50 envelopes are back on sale and the first draw will take place on Sunday the 29th of January. Trevor Hunts team are on selling duty.
The Club extends its sympathy to the family of Bernadette Lavin, Ardgallagher who died last Thursday and the family of the late Sadie Reynolds who passed away on Friday last.