The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross TD and the Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’ Donovan TD, have announced today that €30m is being made available under the Sports Capital Programme to develop sports infrastructure around the country.
Online applications will be accepted from the 23rd January to the 24th February, 2017. Clubs not previously registered on the Department’s online application system need to do so in advance of this date and the Ministers encouraged clubs to register now. The guide to making an application was also published on the Department’s Sports Capital Programme website.
The Sports Capital Programme funds a wide variety of projects and improvements including:
– Natural grass sports pitches, tracks and courts (including pitch drainage)
– Floodlighting
– Artificial sports pitches, tracks, courts and multi-use games areas
– Security fencing, ball stop netting and goal posts
– Hurling walls / handball alleys
– Building or refurbishment of dressing rooms, showers and toilets
– Building or refurbishment of sports halls and gyms
– Non-personal equipment including lawn mowers and defibrillators. Anything set in the ground (such as goal posts) is not considered equipment.
– Any other capital projects that are clearly sporting in nature and that will increase participation in sport or improve performance
Minister Ross stated
“I am delighted that this funding is being made available. The Sports Capital Programme aims to foster an integrated and planned approach to developing sport and recreation facilities and it has transformed the sporting landscape of Ireland with improvements in the quality and quantity of sporting facilities in virtually every village, town and city in the country. The new €30 million programme provides an opportunity for further improvements and I would urge all organisations with a suitable project to consider making an application”.
The Minister of State, Patrick O’Donovan highlighted some of the changes to the terms of the new programme.
“The Programme for Government contains the aim of allocating sports capital grants on an annual basis and since being given responsibility for sport, I have been struck by the huge level of interest in the Sports Capital Programme across so many different sporting disciplines. I was determined to make the application process as simple as possible and in this regard we have significantly shortened the application form, issued new guides for completing the form and my Department is also arranging a series of regional workshops in the new year to assist applicants. The upcoming holiday period provides a good opportunity for clubs to get registered on http://bit.ly/2ieBKYF, familiarise themselves with the guide and undertake any other preparatory work in advance of formally submitting their application”.
Clubs who wish to register on the Department’s online system can do so now at http://bit.ly/2ieBKYF. Once registered, all applications must be made on the same website. The system will be open for applications from the 23rd January. A guide to making an application and a link to YouTube video instructions is also available on the website.
Local politicians have encouraged Clubs in Roscommon to apply for funding.
Minister Denis Naughten is advising Clubs considering work to begin the application process as soon as possible. “Clubs not previously registered on the Department of Sport’s online application system need to do so ahead of January 23rd” He also encouraged clubs across the county to register over the Christmas period and be ready to apply when the applications open in four weeks’ time.
“The sports capital grants are now being allocated on an annual basis and the application process has been made more user friendly and simpler,” explained Minister Naughten, who also confirmed the application form has been shortened with new guides for completing it.
Senator Frank Feighan said “I want to see clubs and organisations benefit as much as possible from this funding.
The Sports Capital Programme was re-instated by the last Fine Gael government in 2012, after it had been cut by Fianna Fáil in the wake of the economic crash. It represents an excellent value for money investment. It is crucial we invest in sport and the health of our population, particularly with obesity is on the rise. Investing in sport is good for the health of the nation, both literally and economically.
Senator Maura Hopkins said “it is very important that clubs and organisations benefit as much as possible from this funding and I would encourage all involved to prepare the necessary paperwork for their applications in advance.
I know from working with sporting clubs and organisations that this funding is extremely important to our communities in order to encourage people of all ages to engage in physical activity and help their overall wellbeing. I will continue to work with groups in assisting them in making applications for this new round of Sports Capital Funding” she added.