A number of new Officers were elected at the Roscommon Ladies Football Board AGM, which was held on Monday night last in Hannon’s Hotel, Roscommon in front of a large attendance.
The meeting was chaired by incoming chairperson, Brendan Cregg who thanked all the outgoing officers, committee members, sub committees and managers for the brilliant work that was and is been carried out both up front and behind the scenes to help keep Roscommon ladies football on such a strong footing. He also thanked the clubs for their continued help and support to the Board.
Secretary Marie McAleer produced an in-depth report in which she outlined the success, of which there were many in 2016 and how much there was to look forward to in 2017. She again thanked the clubs for their help and also the outgoing board officers that helped make her job a little bit easier and more enjoyable. She wrapped up by saying how much she was looking forward to working with everyone again in the coming year.
The following Officers were elected for the coming year:
Chairperson: Brendan Cregg, Vice Chairperson: Johnny Cox,
Secretary: Marie McAleer,
Assistant Secretary: Martina McHugh,
Treasurer: Micheal McHugh,
Assistant Treasurer: Noel Scally, Registrar: Sandra Shannagher, PRO: Ollie Colgan,
Development officer: Martin Murphy,
Culture and Irish Language Officer: Maureen Sharkey,
Children’s officer: Marie Allen,
Central Council delegates: Marie McAleer and Ann Maria Hynes,
Connacht Council Delegates: Rosaleen Timothy, Pat Heneghan and Natalie Flanagan.
The meeting concluded with a number of recommendations and motions being discussed.
In other news
All clubs are reminder that the annual Roscommon Ladies Football Church Gate Collection takes place on the weekend of 21st and 22nd January 2017. Posters can be collected from county executive.
Combined Draw winners:
Recent winners of the county board combined draw were as follows:
1 Barry Miley St. Mary’s
2 Padraig Hunt St. Michael’s
3 Michael & Mary Tully Kilbride
4 Ita Hannon St. Dominic’s
5 Jim Flanagan, Castlerea St. Kevin’s
6 Catherine Dwyer, Ballinameen
7 Tony O’ Neill, Clan na Gael
8 Hilda Mc Nulty, Eire Og
County Trials:
Trials for all 2017 county squads will begin shortly after Christmas. Notification will be sent to the clubs soon.
U16 trials are taken place on the 27th December and the 7th January in Roscommon Community College grounds on both days at 10.30am for the following clubs: Roscommon Gaels, St. Ciaran’s, Four Roads, Oran, St. Faithleach’s, Kilbride, St. Mary’s, St. Croan’s St. Dominic’s, St. Brigid’s and Strokestown.
And at 12.30pm for the following clubs: Ml. Glavey’s, Castlerea, Eire Og, Western Gaels, Ballinameen, Boyle, St. Michael’s, Shannon Gaels, Kilglass gaels, Clan na Gael, Padraig Pearses, St. Barry’s, Kilmore/Elphin.
For further details contact your club secretary.
The county are running a number of coaching, mentors and refereeing courses and seminars in the near future, dates are listed below, please note that places are limited on these so early booking is advisable.
January 16th – Level 2 refereeing course in Hannons Hotel.
January 22nd – Fundamentals course in Ballymoe, Roscommon for all coaches.
February 6th – Club mentor workshop also in Ballymoe, Roscommon for all coaches and club officials,
February 11th and 12th – Grab your whistle level 1. In Hannons Hotel, Roscommon.
All these details have also been circulated to the clubs.
Best wishes
The county would like to send its best wishes and a speedy recovery to county U16 player Aoife Gavin who sustained a serious injury recently.
Updates and season’s greetings:
Anyone wishing to have items published in our weekly notes please contact Ollie at [email protected]
Finally best wishes to all our players, mentors, officers’ officials and supporters for the festive season.
A very happy and peaceful Christmas from all at Roscommon Ladies Football Board.