Speaking in the Dail Michael Fitzmaurice TD says that the Irish music industry deserves better support from national and other major Radio Stations.
Michael Fitzmaurice was commenting on a Bill brought forward by Deputy Willie Penrose and added “that while a 40% quota of Irish music played as proposed by Deputy Penrose in his Bill could be open to amendment, the thrust of the bill is correct”
“Local radio stations have no questions to answer in that regard and they have given great support to Irish music over the years however it is the big boys that have to be whipped into line here. It was stated here in the House today that local Radio Stations were playing in the region of 30% and if that figure was agreed then let’s go with that. We have wonderful talent in this country and the industry creates jobs as well, and we have a responsibility to support it. There are many very talented young musicians in Ireland that deserve to be heard and who deserve our support”
“It is also useful to remember the huge amount or charity work that Irish musicians do on a daily basis for good causes throughout the country. It is disappointing that the two major parties have opposed this bill but I want to say that with amendments this bill could have worked” he concluded.