Local Minister Denis Naughten has confirmed that Cabinet has approved the allocation of medical cards for all children who qualify for Domiciliary Care Allowance, as well as a reduction in the prescription charge for medical card holders aged over 70.
“This is a welcome decision to give medical cards to all children who qualify for Domiciliary Care Allowance. The new law to allow this to happen will be passed by the Dail early in the New Year and it is expected that children will receive their medical card soon after the new law is approved,” stated Minister Naughten. “There are many families locally who are caring for sick children and who face mounting costs in terms of medical expenses. These are the families we need to be supporting and I welcome the decision by Cabinet today to proceed with the introduction of this measure.
“These are children who require ongoing care and attention substantially over and above the care and attention usually required by a child of the same age. Approximately 9,000 children – or one-third of DCA recipients – currently do not qualify for a medical card but this measure will change that and ensure they receive a full medical card.”
The decision to reduce prescription charges for the over 70s to €2, subject to a cap of €20, has also been welcomed by Denis Naughten. “This reduction will come into effect from 1st March 2017 and will result in savings for many of the older members of our community,” stated Minister Naughten. “It is estimated that across the country approximately 330,000 medical card holders aged 70 and over will benefit from this measure.”