Congratulations are in order this week for two members of the Senior team as follows:-
Rachel Fitzmaurice on receiving a Pope John Paul 11 Award in Summerhill College, Sligo and Ēala Coyle on receiving a Connacht Camogie Bursary in the Connacht G.A.A. Centre, Bekan, Claremorris. Éala will be carrying out her duties during 2017 with Club, County and Province.
Athleague Camogie Club Secretary, Marion Conway has taken over as County Camogie Secretary for the 2017 season. Marion had previously served as County Treasurer for the previous 5 years.
We will be holding their AGM after the Christmas Break. Members and Parents will be notified in relation to same.
Athleague Camogie Club would like to extend Seasons Greetings to all members and their parents and hopefully that 2017 will be as successful as the season just ended.